Thank you for visiting the website of the COVID-19, Crises and Support for the Rule of Law Project.
The undifferentiating effects of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) deliver an exogenous shock to the health and safety of citizens worldwide, providing a unique, but fleeting, opportunity to examine the conditions under which public support for the rule of law might thrive, multiply, or wither on the vine. Our study will advance existing knowledge in three major ways. First, our data will provide unparalleled information about how the public responds to would-be autocrats who might like to exploit public health crises to consolidate their power. Second, our study will yield important insights on support for liberal democracy, as we know very little of citizens’ opinions about the rule of law, especially outside of the United States, or how citizens’ support might be affected by crises. Finally, our six-wave panel study of the German public will yield insight into the stability of citizens’ attitudes over the evolution of the crisis; our cross-sectional data in the US, the UK, Spain and elsewhere enables comparisons of individuals, subnational regions, and multiple countries simultaneously.
This research is funded by the National Science Foundation (SES-2027653, SES-2027664, SES-2027671), the Hayek Foundation, and the Institute of Politics at Florida State University, the Florida State University Council on Research and Creativity, and the West Virginia University Department of Political Science. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
This website is under construction, please check back often for updates.
Data from the COVID19, Crises and Support for the Rule of Law will be available here, as well as ICPSR and DataVerse repositories.
Please check back for additional information.
Here we will post all publications stemming from the COVID19, Crises and Support for the Rule of Law project.
Once lockdown was over, Germans on lower incomes went out while others stayed at home (LSE Covid-19 Blog)
Coronavirus fatigue is the biggest threat to Germanys success story in this pandemic (The Loop: ECPR's Political Science Blog)
How Partisan Representation Shapes Citizens' Views of Accountability and Efficiency During Covid-19 (Wicked Problems-Wicked Solutions Blog)
Here we will post all materials that utilize the COVID19, Crises and Support for the Rule of Law data designed for classroom instruction.
The COVID-19, Crises & Public Support for the Rule of Law Teaching Modules are available here.
Below are students who are or have been affiliated with this project. We are indebted to them for their excellent assistance.
Taylor Kinsley Chewning
Nathaniel Flemming
MartÃn Gandur
Bailey Johnson
Sangyeon Kim
Vivienne Butera
Chandler Campbell
Colin Fuller
Andrea Gann
Miranda Garcia
Andje Louis
Gabriella Porter
Taran Samrath
Professor Driscoll is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Florida State University and an Associate Professor of Law (by Courtesy) at the Florida State College of Law. Her personal website can be found at amandadriscoll.xyz.
Professor Krehbiel is an Associate Professor of Political Science at West Virginia University, and was a 2019 Fulbright Scholar at the PluriCourts Centre at the University of Oslo. His personal website can be found at jaykrehbiel.com.
Professor Nelson is a Professor of Political Science and Social Data Analytics at The Pennsylvania State University, and Affiliate Faculty at Penn State Law. His personal website can be found at mjnelson.org.